Jan 29, 2025 | Storm Harding | 145 views
Mark Your Calendars
HMHIP Banquet March 30th
Save the Date - Sunday, March 30th, 2025, from 1 pm - 4 pm.
- 2nd Annual HMHIP Year End Banquet Carmen's Hall, Hamilton, ON
- We anticipate this year's event to be bigger and better than last season's, as the HMHIP program has grown to 400 players this season.
- See the link below for pictures from last year's event, which had 485 players, coaches, friends and family attend - https://hmhip.ca/Galleries/1180/Year_End_Banquet_2023-24/
- Back by popular demand, our Disney characters and superheroes will be in attendance when you arrive.
- Main lobby fun & wacky photo booth, raffle prizes, and 50/50 tickets.
- Tickets will go on sale Feb 1-March 1st only; bring your family, friends, and grandparents to celebrate our year-end event.
- Adult tickets will be $50, and Player Tickets will be $40. Tickets will be sold at the arenas each weekend: Ross @ Chedoke Arena, Sue @ Quad Pad Arena (Feb 1-March 1st only)